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  • Writer's picturePests Be Gone

How the pandemic has affected exterminators and pest control companies across the nation.

Welcome to the Pests be Gone's Blog! Here we discuss current and potential future challenges that exterminators may face on a daily basis!

Exterminators and pest control companies alike nationwide have faced extreme difficulties keeping up with the demand of sanitizing service requests. Pest control and proper sanitization go hand and hand, keep the environment free and clear of dirt and grime and you'll soon be the exterminator's best friend.

Hey there, fellow pest warriors! I'm Vinny, the brains behind our pest control venture, born and bred in the bustling cityscape of New York. Since planting our flag in 2004, we've been on a mission to rid the Big Apple's five boroughs and the expansive lands of Long Island of those pesky intruders.

Here at our humble abode, we're not just about zapping bugs and shooing away critters. No siree! We're all about creating a sanctuary in your space, where you can kick back and relax without worrying about six-legged invaders crashing the party.

From the stubborn ants that insist on picnicking in your pantry to the sly rodents scheming to set up camp in your attic, we've got you covered. Our team is armed to the teeth with expertise and enthusiasm, ready to tackle any pest problem with finesse and flair.

But hey, it's not all business around here! We're also your go-to source for insider tips, tricks, and tales from the front lines of pest control. So grab a cup of coffee, cozy up, and join us on this wild ride as we navigate the wacky world of pest management together.

Pest Control Exterminators Servicing Kitchen In Restaurant
Pest Control Technicians Sanitizing a Restaurants Kitchen During The Peak Of The Pandemic.

How the pandemics affected exterminators and pest control companies alike.

Hey there, pest warriors! Let's talk about the elephant in the room – or should I say, the mice in the walls and the ants in the pantry – yes, I'm talking about the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on our beloved pest control industry.

When the world hit the pause button and we found ourselves navigating uncharted waters, pest control companies like ours weren't immune to the challenges. With lockdown measures and restrictions on non-essential services, we saw a noticeable dip in demand initially. I mean, who's thinking about pests when you're stuck inside binge-watching Netflix, right?

But then something interesting happened. As weeks turned into months and people spent more time cooped up indoors, they started noticing things – like the scurrying sounds in the attic or the unwelcome surprise of finding a cockroach in the kitchen. Suddenly, pest control became a top priority for many homeowners.

Enter the surge in demand. It seemed like everyone and their grandma needed help getting rid of pests. From ants invading cookie jars to rats throwing parties in empty offices, we've seen it all. And let me tell you, it's been a wild ride.

Of course, it hasn't been business as usual. With health and safety concerns looming large, we've had to up our game when it comes to protecting ourselves and our clients. PPE? Check. Social distancing? You betcha. Sanitizing everything in sight? Absolutely.

But hey, amidst all the chaos, one thing remains constant – our commitment to keeping your spaces pest-free. Because let's face it, in a world where everything feels uncertain, a home free from creepy crawlies is a small slice of paradise.

So here's to us – the unsung heroes of the pest world – adapting, evolving, and staying resilient in the face of adversity. Because no matter what life throws at us, we'll always be here, ready to tackle those pesky pests head-on. Stay safe, stay pest-free, and until next time, keep on fighting the good fight!

Why it's important to hire the professionals.

Let's chat about a topic near and dear to my heart – why hiring a pest control professional is the way to go, instead of taking matters into your own hands.

Sure, I get it. DIY projects can be fun and rewarding. But when it comes to dealing with pests, trust me, it's best to leave it us the pros. Here's why:

1. Expertise and Experience: Pest control professionals like us aren't just armed with fancy equipment – they've got the knowledge and experience to back it up. They understand the habits and behaviors of different pests, allowing them to devise targeted strategies for eradication.

2. Tailored Solutions: Every pest problem is unique, requiring a customized approach for effective control. A professional pest controller like us can assess your situation and recommend the most suitable treatment plan, tailored to your specific needs and the type of pest infestation you're dealing with.

3. Safety First: Let's face it – dealing with pests can be hazardous, especially if you're not familiar with the proper handling of chemicals and pesticides. Pest control professionals like us are trained to use these products safely and effectively, minimizing the risk to you, your family, and your pets.

4. Long-Term Prevention: It's not just about getting rid of pests – it's about keeping them from coming back. A professional pest control service like us doesn't just offer a quick fix; it provides ongoing monitoring and preventive measures to ensure your home stays pest-free in the long run.

5. Time and Effort Savings: DIY pest control may seem like a money-saver at first, but it can quickly turn into a time-consuming and frustrating ordeal. Save yourself the hassle and let us experts handle it – you'll thank yourself later.

So there you have it, folks – the case for hiring a pest control professional. Trust me, when it comes to dealing with pests, leave it to us and enjoy peace of mind knowing your home is in good hands, linked down below is our contact information, give us a call at (347) 869 6259 if your ever in need of pest control!

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